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Awesome Ways To Celebrate National Pet Day

Awesome Ways To Celebrate National Pet Day

April 11th is National Pet Day and as animal lovers we love to look for fun, relaxing ways to celebrate with our furry family members. They bring us joy everyday, so why not do something special for them?

Here are a few fun ideas for how you can give your pup a special treat in honor of the annual celebration and we think you might enjoy them too!

Give Him A Massage

Dogs, like humans, are highly responsive to touch. But rather than a quick stroke or a pat on the head, why not give your pup a relaxing massage. Not only will this relax your dog, it is an amazing way to increase the bond between you. Plus, dogs respond well to aromatherapy oils, several of which can be used to ease any anxieties your dog might suffer with. Try lavender or Neroli.

Take your dog on a special walk

If you usually take the same dog walking route each day why not head out and explore somewhere that you don’t usually go. A new hiking trail, the dog beach or a new park. Your dog will love all the new sounds and smells, making new friends and getting to experience a new space.

Throw a Puppy Party

Invite a couple of canine friends over to your house or arrange a meet up at the park so your dogs can play together. Set up some fun games for them and maybe even arrange a special meal or treat.

Try a new activity

Like humans, dogs can get bored. And boredom can lead to destructive behaviors. So why not try a new activity with your pup? Doggy yoga, a swimming lesson, kayaking or paddle-boarding or even just time spent learning a new command or trick. Your dog will love the variety of doing something completely new and you are likely to enjoy the process too.  

How will you celebrate National Pet Day? Tell us in the comments and share your pics with us on Instagram and Facebook!

Using Music To Soothe Your Anxious Dog

Using Music To Soothe Your Anxious Dog

With over 20% of dogs thought to suffer from separation anxiety, millions of households throughout the United States are living with a fearful or anxious pet.

Anxiety can lead to destructive and nervous behaviors such as howling, chewing, scratching, digging, even urinating and defecating.

Our goal at ZenCrate has always been to end pet anxiety, which is why we created the first ever smart, anti-anxiety dog crate. And we found that one of the simplest, most soothing tools you can use to ease your dog’s anxiety when left alone, is music.

When played in your pet’s surroundings, or directly into his ZenCrate, the right music has the ability to alter your dog’s mood, relaxing him enough to rest, sleep and hopefully avoid any destruction to your furniture and home.

So, what is the ‘right’ music?

Dogs hear music very differently to the way humans do. So while you might be tempted to leave them listening to your favorite upbeat pop playlist, this might not be the best for your fearful friend. A dog hears at a much higher frequency to us meaning that any anxiety reducing playlist would be to contain songs with simple melodies, peaceful tones and fewer instruments.

There are some excellent playlists online that have been designed specifically to calm your canine, stop unwanted barking or howling and reduce hyperactivity. Search for dog anti-anxiety playlists on iTunes, Spotify and YouTube. Or purchase a CD such as Canine Lullabies.

Classical music has also been proven to comfort and reduce anxiety in dogs. A recent study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior showed that dogs who listened to classical music, barked and howled less when left alone, and spent more time resting.

What music calms your dog? Share with us in the comments.

The Best Essential Oils To Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety

The Best Essential Oils To Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety

There are many things, both inside and outside your home, that can cause your pet to become anxious - from fireworks and vehicle sounds, to other animals or simply loneliness. But here at ZenCrate we are always looking for the best remedies to treat and calm your uneasy dog.

As with humans, aromatherapy and the use of high quality essential oils, can be a highly effective therapy to help relieve stress and reduce your dog’s anxiety. They can be used to soothe them when travelling or during a thunderstorm, lift their spirit if they are suffering from separation anxiety and even focus your dog during training.

The essential oil can be combined with a carrier oil, such as sesame or almond oil, and applied topically to your dog’s skin, just a few drops at a time, avoiding the snout, eyes and ears. Alternatively, they can be mixed with water (2-3 drops per cup) and sprayed onto your dog’s bed or directly onto his coat.

These are some of our favorites oils for different types of anxiety.

For General Anxiety:

  • Lavender
  • Neroli
  • Petigrain

For Sound Sensitivity:

  • Lavender
  • Melissa
  • Neroli
  • Valerian

All of these oils have a calming effect and can even be combined together in an aromatherapy blend.

For Separation Anxiety:

  • Lavender
  • Sweet Orange
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Jasmine

If your dog becomes restless when left alone, the use of a diffuser might be an appropriate method to administer the oils. All three can be combined in a blend, and continuously misted into their air of your home.

As with any treatment you administer to your pet, monitor their reactions to it and adjust accordingly. If your pet appears to exhibit any form of irritation or dislike to the product, stop immediately. Topically administered oil can be removed using an unblended carrier oil on a cloth, wiped over the  application site.

Note: Extreme anxiety should be treated by your vet. Also, essential oils should NOT be used as a treatment for other household pets, including cats.