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The Best Essential Oils To Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety

The Best Essential Oils To Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety

There are many things, both inside and outside your home, that can cause your pet to become anxious - from fireworks and vehicle sounds, to other animals or simply loneliness. But here at ZenCrate we are always looking for the best remedies to treat and calm your uneasy dog.

As with humans, aromatherapy and the use of high quality essential oils, can be a highly effective therapy to help relieve stress and reduce your dog’s anxiety. They can be used to soothe them when travelling or during a thunderstorm, lift their spirit if they are suffering from separation anxiety and even focus your dog during training.

The essential oil can be combined with a carrier oil, such as sesame or almond oil, and applied topically to your dog’s skin, just a few drops at a time, avoiding the snout, eyes and ears. Alternatively, they can be mixed with water (2-3 drops per cup) and sprayed onto your dog’s bed or directly onto his coat.

These are some of our favorites oils for different types of anxiety.

For General Anxiety:

  • Lavender
  • Neroli
  • Petigrain

For Sound Sensitivity:

  • Lavender
  • Melissa
  • Neroli
  • Valerian

All of these oils have a calming effect and can even be combined together in an aromatherapy blend.

For Separation Anxiety:

  • Lavender
  • Sweet Orange
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Jasmine

If your dog becomes restless when left alone, the use of a diffuser might be an appropriate method to administer the oils. All three can be combined in a blend, and continuously misted into their air of your home.

As with any treatment you administer to your pet, monitor their reactions to it and adjust accordingly. If your pet appears to exhibit any form of irritation or dislike to the product, stop immediately. Topically administered oil can be removed using an unblended carrier oil on a cloth, wiped over the  application site.

Note: Extreme anxiety should be treated by your vet. Also, essential oils should NOT be used as a treatment for other household pets, including cats.

Most Common Causes of Anxiety in Dogs

Most Common Causes of Anxiety in Dogs

At ZenCrate, we want to be a resource for owners of pets suffering from anxiety. As we all learn more about how and why anxiety effects pets, we can continue to create products and services to serve these pets, and the families that support them.

 While some dogs simply suffer from anxiety for no reason at all, here are the most common causes for anxiety among dogs.

Storm Phobia

It’s not a myth that cats and dogs can feel a storm coming sooner than a human can. For these reasons, some scientists believe that certain dogs experience extreme anxiety at the onset of a storm. Whether it is the change in barometric pressure, or the loud noises accompanied by a thunderstorm, dogs that experience storm phobia may exhibit behaviors such as hiding under furniture, pacing, trying to escape, or shaking uncontrollably. In these instances, the primary concern is to keep your dog for harming itself, and trying to ensure they are as comfortable as possible until the storm passes.

Lack of Socialization

Socialization at a very young age is key in raising a puppy that isn’t afraid of everything and everyone he or she comes in contact with. Typically, we see anxiety later in life when puppies are taken away from their mothers before 8 weeks old. It’s important to keep this in mind especially when bringing home a new puppy; habits that they pick up early in life can stick with them for a long time to come.

Past Distress

Unfortunately, many shelter dogs have experienced past abuse or trauma, and again these experiences can stay with pets for their entire lives. Signs of past distress may include cowering, self-destructive behavior, or escapism. If you believe that your pet is suffering from anxiety for this reason, the best course of action is to consult your veterinarian to choose an appropriate treatment plan.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is the most common cause of pet anxiety, and unfortunately one of the hardest to diagnose since it is difficult to tell the difference between a dog who just requires a little extra training, and a dog that is suffering from separation anxiety. Current symptoms of separation anxiety include incessant barking, urinating or defecating in the house, destructive habits like chewing or digging, escaping, or erratic behavior. First rule out that there are no medical issues with your pet by speaking with your veterinarian, and then check out a few tips on helping to reduce anxiety naturally.

How to Create The Ultimate Anti-Anxiety Playlist for your Dog

How to Create The Ultimate Anti-Anxiety Playlist for your Dog

Does your pet experience anxiety? The next time you’re trying to calm your beloved fur baby, consider music. It may be the secret you’re looking for.

Humans and animals alike both experience many benefits from listening to music. We as humans listen to music for a vast range of different reasons and moods: when we’re happy, sad, excited. So why shouldn’t our pets?