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Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety

Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety
The holidays are an exciting time but often with the excitement comes prime opportunities for your dog’s anxiety to flare up.  Here at ZenCrate we support finding natural ways to help reduce your dog’s anxiety, check out a few of our favorite natural remedies...

Happy Howl-o-ween!

Happy Howl-o-ween!

The fall season is a very exciting time of the year, from the changing of the leaves, the decrease in degrees, and an abundance of fall activities its hard to not love Fall. As you and your furry family prepare for the upcoming halloween weekend we wanted to share our helpful tips to keep in mind when celebrating howl-o-ween with your dogs!

Dogs like trick-or-treating too! We recommend purchasing healthy dog treats to hand out to your furry friendly trick-or-treaters on October 31st. If you're wanting to go the extra mile for your doggy friends we recommend this homemade pumpkin treat recipe from Genius Kitchen!

Safety First! With all the excitement of costumed trick-or-treaters ringing your door bell it is easy to forget that halloween can be scary and overwhelming to our dogs. If your dog is not a people person, or is easily spooked by loud noises its best to set them up in a safe quiet area of the house apart from the festivities. This will help your pup feel safe and keep unsuspecting trick-or-treaters happy!

Candy is not safe for Fido! Everybody knows the highlight of halloween is the mountains of candy you have at the end of the evening.. I mean who doesn't love a year supply of reese pieces, but candy is not to be left out for your dog to dig into after you go to bed! We recommend keeping candy out of your pups reach at all times, if Fido gets jealous you should have special treats on hand! Did we mention homemade pumpkin treats are a good way to go?

There is nothing better than a dog in a costume! If your dog tends to enjoy social outings and loves to interact with new people then halloween is a great time for your pup! We recommend finding the cutest or funniest costume you can find and putting your pup on display for all your dog loving trick-or-treaters to see! Did we mention that the ZenCrate Team is hosting a halloween costume contest this year? That's right! Visit our Facebook page to enter to win ZenCrate swag for you and your pup!

 We hope you keep these tips in mind this Halloween and enjoy the festivities with your pups! Don't forget to enter into the ZenCrate Costume Contest before Tuesday!