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Our Favorite Dog Movies of All Time

Our Favorite Dog Movies of All Time

When Friday night calls for “Netflix and chill,” and your dog wants to snuggle up for a movie night, what’s your go to film? At Noah’s Bark, we decided to create our go-to list of dog movies that keep the warm and fuzzies, not to mention, Kleenex flowing for a feel good Friday night. 

Here are our all time favorite dog movies: 

  1. Turner & Hooch

Detective Scott Turner must adopt Beasley, the dog of a dead man to help him solve the murder. A definitive anti-dog person, Turner is eventually converted by Beasley’s loving, and at times, mischievous pursuits.  

  1. Lady & The Tramp

A Disney classic, Lady & The Tramp is a tale dog love overcoming all bounds and social status. (Plus that lovable spaghetti kiss.) Originally released in 1955, Lady & The Tramp is still heralded as one of of Disney’s best animated films ever made. 

  1. Beethoven

After a litter of puppies are stolen from a pet shop by two thieves, Beethoven (later named when he barks along to music by Ludwig von Beethoven) steals the hearts of the Newton family—but a whacky veterinarian and burglars are still after the lovable St. Bernard.    

  1. All Dogs Go to Heaven

When you’re in the mood for a good cry and a quirky animated classic, All Dogs Go to Heaven is the perfect choice. Charlie B. Barkin (voiced by Burt Reynolds) returns to earth and forsakes his place in heaven to help an orphan girl, you’ll be feeling all the feelings.  

  1. Old Yeller

It takes a while for Travis to take to the stray Old Yeller, but he soon realizes how helpful the clever dog can be on long cattle drives on their Texas homestead. Cue the heartstrings and the tissues.  

  1. The Adventures of Milo & Otis

Originally released as a Japanese film under the title “A Kitten’s Story,”The Adventures of Milo and Otis follow a curious cat and her pug companion on a series of adventures that is as heartwarming as they are hilarious. 

  1. White Fang

Based on the novel by Jack London, a young Ethan Hawke stars as Jack Conroy, a pioneer searching for gold in the Yukon who has a wolfdog to thank when he intervenes to save Jack’s life from a grizzly bear.  

  1. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

An adventurous journey of three friends Shadow, Sassy, and Chance who strike out to find their owners after mistakenly assuming they’ve been abandoned on a ranch. Their explorations take them to the mountains of the Sierra Nevada and eventually land them in The Pound, which they of course escape and ultimately make it home safely. 

  1. 101 Dalmatians

Was there ever a villain as cruel as Cruella de Vil? Pongo and Perdita give birth to a litter of Dalmatian puppies that are stolen for their fur by the infamous Cruella. The parents set out to rescue their puppies and succeed in rescuing even more pups than they bargained for. Go for the animated version, it’s the best! 

  1. Marley & Me

After Jenny & John Grogan get married and move to South Florida, they begin contemplating starting a family. To prepare, they decide to adopt a yellow Labrador retriever. The couple had no idea what they were getting into with a dog that defies all obedience lessons, but ends up making great content for John’s weekly newspaper column. All the laughs, tears, and life lessons make Marley & Me our Number 1 pick.

The World's Craziest Animal Events

The World's Craziest Animal Events

The Guisachan Golden Retriever Gathering, Scotland 

Honoring the birthplace of the breed, over 200 Golden Retrievers gather in a 3-day long celebration that includes tug of war, a dog show, and Golden Retrievers being generally charming and awesome 24/7. This year will celebrate the 150th year of the founding of the breed by Lord Tweedmouth at the original place of the breed’s birth at the Guisachan House. The event is hosted by the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland and you can find more information here. 


The Jaipur Elephant Festival, India 

The elephant festival in Jaipur, India is celebrated on the day of Holi, the Indian festival of colors. Beginning with a brightly bedazzled procession of rows and rows of elephants, the festival includes elephant polo, where polo players mount elephants and try to score goals with long sticks. Many of the participating elephants are female, and their caretakers take special attention to create the ornate patterns and floral filigree painted on their trunks and feet.  


The Monkey Buffet Festival, Thailand 

Truly a festival for the monkeys, the Monkey Buffet Festival takes place in Lopburi, North of Bangkok where over 4,000 kilograms (or about 8,800 pounds) of fruit, vegetables, and candy are set out for monkeys to dine on at their leisure. Over 3,000 monkeys live in the nearby areas and they gather to enjoy a buffet just for them. 


Running of the Bulls , Spain 

Dating back to the 14th century, the tradition of the running of the bulls began from the need to transport bulls from their homes in the country to the bullrings inside the city where they would likely meet their fate during a bullfighting match. To run with the bulls, you must be over 18, run in the same direction (as the bulls), and refrain from alcohol consumption before your run. Interested in jumping in? Find out how to get involved here. 


Surf City Surf Dog, USA 

Does your dog know how to hang ten? Then you may want to enter them in the Surf City Surf Dog contest in Huntington Beach, CA. Featuring the surfing competition, a PAWabunga Costume Contest, and a Hot Diggity Dog Expo, it’s a great way to spend a day on Huntington Dog Beach. 


Lessons I've Learned from My Dog

Lessons I've Learned from My Dog

It’s no secret that dog is man’s best friend, but at ZenCrate we love the idea that really all the important things in life can be picked up from a few easy lessons from your canine companion. They appreciate the small stuff, provide unconditional love, and delight in the simple pleasures that money can’t buy. Here are a few of our favorite lessons that you too can learn from your dog. 

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.  

Put down your windows and crank up the tunes, there are very few things that a long drive and some wind in your face can’t fix. 

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.  

We think this translates to, no matter what went on in our day, appreciate the people around you, and if you love them…say it! 

Run, romp, and play daily.  

Get away from the screen—whether it’s the phone, computer, or TV. Get outside and bask in the sunshine. 

Be loyal.  

Perhaps the best lesson we can all learn. 

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.  

In work, love, or play—don’t give up. Your prize might just be at the end of some hard work. 

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.  

Sometimes just being there is more powerful than anything you can ever say. 

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout - run right back and make friends. 

Let things go and don’t hold grudges, life is too short to miss out on having fun. 

Bond with your pack.  

Find your people and stick with them. And at the risk of two clichés in one sentence, always remember that your vibe attracts your tribe. 

When you're excited, speak up.  

Don’t let the moment pass, take every opportunity to spread positivity and encouragement. 

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. 

Long walks may be the solution to all the world’s problems. 

We’d love to hear what you’ve learned from your dog, share with us in the comments below!