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How You Can Help Your Local Shelter

How You Can Help Your Local Shelter

While many people love the idea of supporting their local shelter or pet rescue missions, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are some easy suggestions on how you can get involved, and make sure that the organization you’re volunteering with is the right fit for you!

Find the shelter that’s right for you.

When you get to know your local shelters, you can make a more educated decision on who (and how) to help. We love theshelterpetproject.org as a resource for this very thing. Not only can you find a pet to adopt, you can also identify thousands of organizations that probably need your help!

Think outside the crate!

While pet rescues are always in need of dog walkers and volunteers to pitch in with cleaning the kennels, they may also be in need of professional services like marketing, plumbing, or construction. If you’ve got a professional service to donate in-kind, you’ll be saving the shelter an additional operating cost that can go to helping pets instead. Use your resources, and get creative!

Get Social.

Help bring awareness to your local shelter or the campaigns of the Humane Society of the United States by sharing their updates on your own Facebook and Social Media Platforms. Use your own audience and help get the word out.

Be an advocate.

Write to your local legislators about changing laws in your county and state. Believe it or not, these letters and emails make a huge difference, especially when they are coming from a concerned (pet loving) citizen!

Get crafty.

Use recycled materials like t-shirts, ropes, and fleece blankets to create DIY toys for dogs and cats in your local shelter. Check out this Pinterest Page for some inspiration!

You’re never too young.

Even kids can help out at their local shelter! We love this article about twin sisters Alexandra and Sydney who give tons of ideas on how to get involved and advocate for animals in need.

If you’ve got a tip about how to pitch in with your local shelter, we’d love to hear from you in the comments below!