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Signs of Dog Firework Anxiety

Signs of Dog Firework Anxiety

Our goal at ZenCrate is to help raise awareness over dog anxiety and be a part of the solution for as many dogs as possible. To best raise awareness over firework anxiety, we’d like to share with you common signs of firework anxiety in dogs.

Fun Activities To Enjoy With Your Pup Over The Holidays

Fun Activities To Enjoy With Your Pup Over The Holidays

It's the most wonderful time of the year! So much to do and yet you may be asking or better yet googling, "what fun activities can I do with my dog during the holidays?" If this is you and your Google search is coming up emptier than Santa's sleigh the day after Christmas, have no fear the ZenCrate team is here!! Here are some of our favorite activities to share in with our pets over the holidays!

Playing in the snow. Okay so being a Florida based company we don't really get to enjoy in this one ever BUT on occasion some of our team has taken their pups on snow filled trips up north and their pups have loved getting to run around in the unfamiliar snow! If your dog is accustomed to the snow and loves catching a Frisbee the morning after a great snow fall then make sure to take some time to stop and play a game of frosty frisbee!! Remember that not all dogs like the cooler weather or snow and safety should always be top priority when engaging in outdoor winter activities. Visit this helpful article from Purina to check out safe ways to help your dog play in the snow! 

Making Christmas dog treats. The holidays are always filled with baking of various treats and goodies for your loved ones and neighbors to enjoy! What if this Christmas you spend some extra time making Fido his favorite holiday treat, this way he won't be left out while the rest of you enjoy eggnog and sweet treats! Check out this recipe for Dog Friendly Christmas Cookies by the Scrumptious Pumpkin! 

Snuggling by the fire. Even in the warmer climates like Florida some areas still can get quite cool. There's nothing better than lighting a fire in your fireplace on a cool winter's night and grabbing some blankets and chew toys to snuggle fireside with your pup. If you're enjoying a more tropical Christmas this year, don't worry we have a great alternative to share with you, pull up this fun fireside video on your desktop and be transported to your own cozy winter wonderland! 

Evening walks to view the lights. Almost every dog and human can benefit from some fresh air and light walking over the holidays! And with all the festive and fun outdoor home decor the holidays are the perfect time to spend extra time taking your pup for a walk around the neighborhood. We recommend setting aside time each evening to take a walk with your pup to see all the colorful lighting displays brightening up the streets around you! 

Puppy Play Dates. And last but certainly not least, why not use some of your time off over the holidays to schedule some puppy play dates with your friends and their pups. It's the perfect time to take a break from all the hustle and bustle and celebrate the year ahead by playing with your pups and catching up with old friends! Fido wants to enjoy the festivities with his friends just like you!! 

Do you have a favorite activity you like to enjoy with your pups over the holidays? We'd love to hear from you! Share with us in the comments. 

Holiday Tips with Dogs In Mind

Holiday Tips with Dogs In Mind

Happy Holidays! The holiday season is upon us and with that comes excitement and fun to enjoy with your loved ones. It's easy to forget your pups safety during the hustle and bustle of the holidays so we've created this list to help keep you and your pup safe this year! 

Keep Decorations Out of Paws Reach. Who doesn't love a home boasting with holiday cheer? A lot of holiday decorations and plants can be poisonous to your pup. It's best to keep all decorations like mistletoe, poinsettias, snow globes and ornaments out of paws reach. 

Peace for your Pup. The holidays usually include a lot of hosting and entertaining company in your home. Some dogs may enjoy hosting by your side but don't forget that new people or a large group of people can be over stimulating for a dog. Make sure to have a safe space prepared for your pup to retreat to when you're entertaining this holiday season. 

Treats are not Always Treats. Candy canes, special chocolates, pies and more...these are a few of our favorite holiday treats! Remember that human treats are not safe for your dog, plan ahead and have dog friendly treats ready for when your pup may want to snag something sweet off your plate.

Don't let Santa Forget Fido. No matter which holiday you may celebrate don't forget to surprise your pup with something special this holiday season. Anything from special treats, to a new toy, or if you're looking to truly surprise your pup give him a new safe haven this season by buying a ZenCrate

 New Year's New Noise. New Years Eve is always a fun and exciting celebration but remember no matter how old your dog is the sounds of celebration on New Years can be very stressful. When fireworks start blaring off late into the night, we recommend keeping in mind these tips to reducing pet anxiety on New Years Eve. 

We wish you and your loved ones (furry and human alike) a very happy holidays!